Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
The FSA allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover qualified expenses you would normally pay out of your pocket with post-tax dollars. The plan is comprised of a health care spending account and a dependent care account. You pay no federal or state income taxes on the money you place in an FSA.
How an FSA works
Choose a specific amount of money to contribute each pay period, pre-tax, to one or both accounts during the plan year (1/1 – 12/31).
The amount is automatically deducted from your pay at the same level each pay period.
As you incur eligible expenses, you may use your flexible spending debit card to pay at the point of service OR submit the appropriate paperwork to be reimbursed by the plan.
Please plan your FSA contributions carefully, as any funds not used by the end of the year will be forfeited. Re-enrollment is required each year.
*FSA Maximum $3,300 and Rollover $640
Health Care FSA
You can use a Health Care FSA to pay for eligible medical, dental, vision and other out-of-pocket health care expenses that aren’t covered by your health plan. You can contribute up to $3,300 for 2025.
Dependent Care FSA
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)
A Dependent Care FSA* is a flexible spending account that allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for dependent care expenses, such as daycare, that allow you to work or look for work.
You can choose an annual election amount up to $5,000. The money is placed in your account via payroll deduction, in equal installments, and then used to pay for eligible dependent care expenses incurred during the plan year. The account is administered by Flores.
Money you contribute to your FSA is not subject to social security taxes, federal, and in most cases, state income taxes. This lowers the taxes you pay and gives you more spendable income.
Dependent care reimbursement is only available after the account is funded and service has been provided.
You can’t stop or change contributions during the plan year unless a qualifying life event occurs. Any unused funds that remain in your account at the end of the plan year will be forfeited (also known as the use-it-or-lose-it rule). Therefore, it is important to estimate your expenses wisely.
Commuter Benefits
Like a Flexible Spending Account, our commuter benefits program (administered by Flores) gives you the opportunity to pay for certain commuting expenses with pretax payroll deductions.
How the Program Works
You can elect to participate in this program at any time, not just during annual Open Enrollment, and set aside pretax money to cover your commuting costs.
■ Parking — Parking — Out-of-pocket parking fees for parking meters, garages, and lots. (Parking at or near your home is not eligible.) The IRS Pre-tax limit for 2025 is $325 per month.
■ Mass transit/Van Pooling — Transit passes, tokens, fare cards, vouchers or similar items entitling you to ride a mass transit vehicle to or from work. The IRS Pre-tax limit for 2025 is $325 per month.